7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

2/11/25 TOPIC: “Saying “No”: Healthy Boundaries”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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7:00 AM07:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

2/18/25 TOPIC: “Engaging the Self Through Creativity”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

2/25/25 TOPIC: “Letting Go & Moving On”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

2/4/25 TOPIC: “Generational Healing: The Ripple Effect”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

1/28/25 TOPIC: “Joyful Movement”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

1/21/25 TOPIC: “Regulating the Nervous System”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

12/17/24: TOPIC: “Staying Healthy through the Winter: Food through a Functional Nutrition Lens”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

1/7/25 TOPIC: “Practicing Gratitude”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

12/17/24: TOPIC: “Staying Healthy through the Winter: Food through a Functional Nutrition Lens”

Dates: 12/3, 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30pm, SE Portland Oregon area.

12/10/24: TOPIC: “Staying Healthy through the Winter: Herbs & Suppliments”

Dates: 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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7:00 PM19:00

Parent Art Night

You’re invited to join me weekly for an evening in connection with others, expressing through creativity and discussing topics to make a positive impact on your personal growth.

In person, Tuesdays 7-8:30, SE Portland Oregon area.

12/3/24: TOPIC: “You First- Discovering the Self Again”

Dates: 12/10, 12/17, 1/7/25, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25 Rates are sliding scale: $20-$35 per week. This is a drop-in style event. No commitment to each week though RSVP is required to secure your spot as space is limited to 10.

Email for location & more info. Available for 1:1 coaching and private workshop events.

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to Jan 14

Autumn Nutrition & Restoration in Recovery

Please schedule a call to see if this group is the right fit for you.

This is a 12 week online nutrition cleanse and lifestyle improvement group for those on their journey in recovery & sobriety.

Includes: 2- 1:1 coaching sessions with Kellie, weekly online meetings to discuss info in modules, membership to Practice Better app to access weekly modules, food journal, & recipes. Email for more info

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to Jan 14

Autumn Nutrition & Restoration

Prepare for the cooler months with this nutritional cleanse and lifestyle improvement group. We’ll be supporting each other through the end of the year & through the holidays.

Includes: 2- 1:1 coaching sessions with Kellie, weekly online meetings to discuss info in modules & support, membership to Practice Better app with access to weekly modules, food journal, & recipes. Email for more info

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to Dec 5

Parenting & Psychedelics

  • Google Calendar ICS

This 8 week group is for parents who are curious about or are integrating their experience/s with psychedelics. All are welcome!

Includes: 2- 1:1 coaching sessions with Kellie, weekly info and suggestions to integrate into your parenting style, & weekly online group meetings. Email for more info

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to May 13

Parenting and Psychedelics

  • Google Calendar ICS

Whether you’re just beginning to explore the benefits of psychedelics or are integrating your experiences, this group is for parents who wish to deepen their relationship with themselves and their child/ren. This is an 8 week online group meeting each week on Mondays at noon (PST).

Included: 2- 1:1 Coaching calls with Kellie, weekly group calls online, loads of parenting info, and possibly some new connections along the way!

Email connect@kelliemaledy.com for more info and rate.

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to May 29

Spring Nutrition & Lifestyle Restoration

  • Google Calendar ICS

Spring is near! Give some love to yourself by joining our 12 week nutrition and lifestyle restoration group.

2- 1:1 Coaching calls with Kellie, weekly online meetings with community, weekly emails with nutrition and lifestyle guidelines to help get energized for spring & summer

Email connect@kelliemaledy.com for more info and rate

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to May 28

Spring Nutrition & Lifestyle Restoration in Recovery

  • Google Calendar ICS

This is a nutrition and lifestyle offering for those in recovery. Please schedule a call to see if this is the right fit for you.

2- 1:1 Coaching calls with Kellie, meeting online weekly to discuss nutrition and lifestyle suggestions with community, nutrition and lifestyle suggestions sent weekly

Email connect@kelliemaledy.com for more info and rates

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7:00 PM19:00

Integration through Art

An art night based in community support. We come together to create and support each other through integrating our psychedelic experiences on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. All art materials provided. Experience not necessary. This is an evening to allow what comes through as you explore new materials. Email connect@kelliemaledy.com for location

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7:00 PM19:00

Integration Circle

Community is essential in the integration process. Our group meets in person on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Here we will bring what we need support with to the circle and possibly dive into a topic. Open to all…if you’re curious and learning about psychedelics, micro dosing, if you’ve experienced larger doses and are looking for community support. Email connect@kelliemaledy.com for location

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